Roblox Survival 303 Recipes


Create With "Create Item"

Hull = Small Tree Stump + Small Tree Stump
Wall = Look At "HULL"  OR  2 Planks OR Large Tree Stump
Handle , Med Handle , Large Handle = Small Bush Stump OR Stick 2x , Stick 3x , Stick 4x.
Small Stick = Small Bush Stump
Rope = Hemp
Hemp = Small Leaves + Small Leaves
Fuse : Rope + Charcoal
Gunpowder : Sulphur + Charcoal + Charcoal
Cut Stone = Small Stone + Small Stone
Steel Mix = R. Iron + Coal
String = Rope OR Flax + Flax
Golden Coin,Iron Coin = Coin Press + R. Gold , R. Iron
Glass Cup = Glass
Glass = Pile Of Sand
Window = Glass + Glass

Apple Juice , Berry Juice , Cup Of Milk = G. Cup + Apple + Apple , + Berry + Berry , + Milk
Nest = Wheat
Fabric = Flax + Flax + Flax + String
Boulder = Small Stone + Small Stone
Sail = Hemp + Hemp
Thatching = Wheat + Wheat
Wheat Seed = Look At " NEST"
Wheat Bundle = Look At "THATCHING"
Stone Slab = Boulder + Small Stone
Large Hull = Hull + Hull
Arrow = Small Stick + Cut Stone
Leather Armor = Bento Leather
Iron Armor = Leather Armor + R. Iron + R.Iron
Steel Armor = Leather Armor + R. Steel + R.Steel
Mithril Armor = Leather Armor + R. Mithril + R.Mithril + R. Gold
Stone Wall = Boulder + Boulder
Wooden Seat = Look At "SMALL STICK"
Stone Seat = Small Stone
Mud Wall = L. Pile Of Mud + L.Pile Of Mud
SandStone = P. Of Sand + P. Of Sand + P. Of Sand
Sandstone Brick = Sandstone + Sandstone
SandStone Wall = Ss. Brick + Ss. Brick
Bomb : Plank + Plank + Gunpowder + Gunpowder + Fuse

Create With "Create Tools" (TOOLS,NOT COMBAT )

Bucket = Small Bush Stump + Rope
Crude Milking Pail = Look At " Bucket"
Clay Bowl = Wet Clay + Wet Clay
Flint = Cut Stone  + Cut Stone
Crude Rod = Handle + String
Long Rod = M. Handle + String
Iron Bucket = Anvil + R. Iron + Rope
Iron Cheese Bin = Anvil + R. Iron + R. Iron + R. Iron
Steel Bucket = Anvil + R. Steel + Rope
Crude Oil Filter = Small Bush Stump + Hemp + Rope
Stone Axe ( CAN KILLS) = Handle + Cut Stone
Stone Pickaxe = Look At "STONE AXE"
Iron Axe( CAN KILLS) = Anvil + Handle + R. Iron
Iron Pickaxe = Look At " IRON AXE"
Steel Axe ( CAN KILLS) = Anvil + Handle + R. Steel
Steel Pickaxe = Look At "STEEL AXE"
Gold Axe ( CAN KILLS) = Anvil + Handle + R. Gold
Gold Pickaxe = Look At  "GOLD AXE"
Mithril Axe ( CAN KILLS) = Anvil + Handle + R.Mithril
Mithril Pickaxe = Look At "MITHRIL AXE"
Crude Torch = Handle + Hemp
Crude Oil Torch = Handle + Hemp + Crude Oil
Oil Torch = Handle + Hemp + Oil
Lantern = Handle + Oil + Glass (If Does'nt Work .. Idk xD )
Gold Jug = Anvil + R. Gold + R. Gold
Net = String + String + String
CanTeen = Hemp.
Flint And Steel = Cut Stone + R. Steel

Create With "Create Tools" (BUILDINGS*)

Hut = Wall + Wall + Large Leaves
Granary = Look At "HUT"
Mill = Look At "HUT"
LumberMill = Wall + Wall + Wall + Large Leaves
Long House = Wall + Wall + Wall + Wall + Large Leaves + Large Leaves
Stone Hut = Stone Wall + Stone Wall + Thatching
Stone Well = Look At " STONE HUT"
Mud Well = Mud Wall + Mud Wall + Large Leaves
Stone Lo. Hut = Stone Wall + Stone Wall + Stone Wall + Stone Wall + Thatching + Thatching
Medieval Wall = Stone Wall + Stone Wall + Stone Wall
Medieval Tower = Look At "MEDIEVAL WALL"
Medieval Gate = Stone Wall + Stone Wall + Stone Wall + Wall
Medieval House = Stone Wall + Stone Wall + Stone Wall + Plank + Plank + Thatching
Palisade Wall = Wall + Wall + Wall
Palisade Tower = Look At "PALISADE WALL"
Dock = Wall + Wall + Wall + Plank + Plank + Plank + Plank
Forge = Stone Wall + Stone Wall + R. Iron + R.Iron + Thatching
Stove = Stone Wall + Window + Charcoal + Oil
Bakery = Stone Wall + Stone Wall + Stone Wall + Charcoal + Oil Thatching
Light House = Stone Wall + Stone Wall + Stone Wall + Stone Slab + Stone Slab + Oil
Coin Press = Stone Slab + Small Bush Stump + Small Bush Stump + R. Iron
Shelf = Plank + Plank + Plank
Ladder = S. Tree Stump + S. Tree Stump + S.Tree Stump
SandStone Well = Sandstone Wall + Sandstone Wall
SandStone Hut = Look At "SANDSTONE WELL"
Quarry = S. Tree Stump + S.Tree Stump + S. Stone + Rope
Mud Hut = Look At "MUD WELL"
Mud LongHouse = Mud Wall + Mud Wall + Mud Wall + Mud Wall + L. Leaves + L.Leaves
Hen House = Wall + Wall + Plank + L. Leaves + Thatching

Create With "Create Tools" (VEHICLES , ENGENEERING)

1.Catapult = Plank + Plank + Plank + S. Tree Stump + Wooden Seat
2.Cart = Plank + Plank + Plank + Wooden Seat

Create With "Create Tools" (BOATS)

1.Raft = Hull
2.Large Raft = Large Hull
3.Sailboat = Hull + Small Tree Stump + Sail
4.Large Sailboat = Large Hull + Large Tree Stump + Sail + Sail
5.Catamaran = Hull + Hull + Plank +Small Tree Stump + Sail
6.Merchant Ferigate = 2 Large Hulls + 3 Large Tree Stump +  2 Sails(QUICK RECIPE)

Create With "Create Items" (SEEDS)

1.Wheat Seeds = Wheat
2.Onion Seeds = Onion
3.Carrot Seeds = Carrot

Create With "Process Items" (PLANTING)

1.Wheat Plant = Large Compost + Wheat Seeds

2.Onion Plant = Small Compost + Onion Seeds
3.Carrot Plant = Small Compost + Carrot Seeds
4.Prickly Pear Plant = Small Compost + Prickly Pear
5.Herbs Plant = Small Compost + Herbs
6.Stalk Plant = Large Compost + Stalk
7.Berry Plant = Small Compost + Berry
8.Apple Plant = Large Compost + Apple
9.Corn Plant = Large Compost + Corn
10.Mushroom Plant = Moss + Mushroom
11.Flax Plant = Small Compost + Flax Flower

Create With "Create Tools" (COMBAT)

1.Club = Handle
2.Heavy Club , Large Club = Med Handle , Large Handle
3.Iron Spear = Anvil + Med Handle + R.Iron
4.Iron Javelin = LOOK AT " IRON SPEAR "
5.Iron Sword = Anvil + R.Iron + R.Iron
6.Steel Spear = Anvil + Med Handle + R.Steel
7.Steel Javelin = LOOK AT "STEEL SPEAR"
8.Steel Sword = Anvil + R.Steel + R.Steel
9.Mithril Spear = Anvil + Med Handle + R.Mithril
10.Mithril Javelin = LOOK AT "MITHRIL SPEAR"
11.Mithril Sword = Anvil + R.Mithril + R.Mithril
12.Stone Spear = Med Handle + Cut Stone
13.Stone Javelin = LOOK AT "STONE SPEAR"
14.Iron Knife = Anvil + String + R.Iron
15.Steel Knife = Anvil + String + R.Steel
16.Mithril Knife = Anvil + String + R.Mithril
17.Stone Knife = String + Cut Stone

Create With "Process Items" (ITEMS)

1.Bento Leather = Bento Hide
2.Small Compost = Small Leaves
3.Large Compost = Large Leaves
4.Poisoned (Food Names) = (Food) + Mushroom

There All Recipes! Thanks ! -Danialz1

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